
Let’s look at the template first in our component.

  • On line 5, we use a NgFor to list the drop down options, looping over a products array in our model and making use of a product local variable.
  • We use a property binding to bind the drop down option value to the product id.
  • We use interpolation to bind the drop down option text to the product name
  • On line 4, we use an event binding to handle setting the selected product when the drop down selection changes
  • On line 7, we use interpolation again to output the selected product name
    selector: 'my-dropdown',
    template: `
    <select (change)="onSelect($event.target.value)">
      <option *ngFor="#product of products" [value]="product.id">{{product.name}}</option>


Let’s look at the code now …

Firstly we need a class to define a product …

class Product {
  id: number;
  name: string;

We can now define the class for our drop down component …

  • On line 2, we’ve hardcoded an array of products for this demo
  • On line 7, we have a property selectedProduct to hold the selected product which is initialised to the first product
  • On line 8, we have an onSelect method which handles when a drop down option is selected which in tern sets the selectedProduct property

#angular #drop down binding #ngfor #products

Angular Drop Down Binding
1.25 GEEK