Last week the Kubernetes community announced the Gateway API as an evolution of the Kubernetes networking APIs. Led by Google and a variety of contributors, the Gateway API unifies networking under a core set of standard resources. Similar to how Ingress created an ecosystem of implementations, the Gateway API delivers unification, but on an even broader scope and based on lessons from Ingress and service mesh.

Today we’re excited to announce the Preview release of the GKE Gateway controller, Google Cloud’s implementation of the Gateway API. Over a year in the making, the GKE Gateway controller manages internal and external HTTP/S load balancing for a GKE cluster or a fleet of GKE clusters. The Gateway API provides multi-tenant sharing of load balancer infrastructure with centralized admin policy and control. Thanks to the API’s expressiveness, it supports advanced functionality such as traffic shifting, traffic mirroring, header manipulation and more. Take the tour below to learn more!

A tour of the GKE Gateway controller

The first new resource you’ll encounter in the GKE Gateway controller is the GatewayClass. GatewayClasses provide a template that describes the capabilities of the class. In every GKE 1.20+ cluster you’ll see two pre-installed GatewayClasses. Go spin up a GKE 1.20+ cluster and check for them right now!

#networking #google cloud platform #containers & kubernetes

New GKE Gateway controller implements Kubernetes Gateway API
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