In this post, you’ll find 3 easy ways to perform shallow clone (aka copy) of objects in JavaScript.

As a bonus, I’m going to show how you can also update, add, or remove properties in place on the clone. That’s useful when you want to perform an update on the object in an immutable manner.


The 3 ways to clone objects described in this post perform shallow copy.

A shallow copy means that only the actual object gets copied. If the copied object contains nested objects — these nested objects aren’t get cloned.

Table of Contents

1. Cloning using object spread

The simplest way to clone a plain JavaScript object is to invoke the object spread operator:

const clone = {

Where object is the object you’d like to copy, and clone is the shallow copy of object.

For example, let’s create a shallow copy of hero object:

const hero = {
  name: 'Batman',
  city: 'Gotham'

const heroClone = {

heroClone; // { name: 'Batman', city: 'Gotham' }

hero === heroClone; // => false

heroClone is a clone object of hero, meaning that it contains all the properties of hero.

hero === heroClone evalutes to false — hero and heroClone are, nevertheless, difference object instances.

1.1 Object spread bonus: add or update cloned props

An immediate benefit of using object spread is that you can update or add new properties to the cloned object in place if you need it.

Let’s clone the hero object, but update name property to a different value and add a new property realName:

const hero = {
  name: 'Batman',
  city: 'Gotham'

const heroEnhancedClone = {
  name: 'Batman Clone',
  realName: 'Bruce Wayne'

// { name: 'Batman Clone', city: 'Gotham', realName: 'Bruce Wayne' }

#object #javascript #programming

3 Ways to Shallow Clone Objects in JavaScript (w/ bonuses)
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