Learn how to use the object-oriented programming paradigm in the Julia programming language.

Julia is a rather recent up-and-coming programming language that most in the scientific community might be familiar, or want to be familiar with. There are a lot of great things about the Julia programming language that makes it a really great language to work with. While Julia is traditionally seen as a more functional programming language, using some of Julia’s cool tricks — like outer constructors and incredibly dynamic typing syntax, we can actually make the programming language become object-oriented quite quickly and very effectively!

Why would you want to make Julia an object-oriented programming language? Given the popularity of object-oriented programming languages, it is easy to see why programmers might end up wanting to use a language that supports that paradigm. It is great to sub-type in, and classes make a lot of things an absolute breeze. While we might have to change some things around in Julia, as we are simply going to be using inner and outer constructors and passing our method types into a struct, the high-level syntax will ultimately remain the same. This means that on top of just working with Julia, you could also recreate your favorite Python packages in the language using this method!

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How to Turn Julia into Python
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