Application and system observability was the focus of the latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s Technology Radar end user survey, posted last week. So for this week’s episode of The New Stack Context, we invited Cheryl Hung, CNCF vice president of ecosystem, to discuss these findings. To get an additional industry perspective on observability, we also invited Buddy Brewer, vice president of full-stack observability for New Relic.

TNS editorial and marketing director Libby Clark hosts this episode, with the help of TNS senior editor Richard MacManus, and TNS managing editor Joab Jackson.

The New Stack: Context · Context 134 : The CNCF Technology Radar Evaluates Observability Tools

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In the cloud native space, observability has become a crucial subject, as the ability to drill down into why a specific application or system component is behaving poorly can be complicated given the distributed nature of such applications. The CNCF Tech Radar came full of insights as to how administrators are tackling this issue.

This report found, for instance, that the cloud native world relies heavily on open source tools, though there is very little consolidation in the space — a wide variety of tools are being used across the board. Another finding will not come as a surprise to many in this field: The Prometheus metric collector is often used with the Grafana visualization dashboard.

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The New Stack Context: The CNCF Technology Radar Evaluates Observability Tools
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