Intended Audience

This article is written with an assumption that you possess the basic knowledge of Angular 9 and I also expect you to have an overview about AntV G2 library.

In case you got a question, “What is G2 ?

Steps to follow through in Angular 9

Step 1: Create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI. The command is ng new angular-project-name.

Step 2: Change your directory to the src/app folder inside the project created in Step 1. By typing cd angular-project-name/src/app

Step 3: Generate a new component inside a new folder named ‘pages’ (I prefer this method to keep the code clean you can skip this step if you wish to.). By typing ng g c pages/area-chart in the terminal.

#javascript #graph #antv #angular-9 #g2

How to Use AntV G2 for Angular 9 in 11 steps
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