A customizable progress button widget for Flutter Android, iOS and Web.
A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button
RoundedLoadingButton is a Flutter package with a simple implementation of an animated loading button, complete with success and error animations.
How to Create Bouncing Button in Flutter => https://alltechsavvy.com/how-to-create-a-bouncing-button-in-flutter/
A Custom 3D Button in Flutter
Flutter widget library containing buttons for authenticating with popular social networks: Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft.
A flutter package for creating a slider button widget. .This package provides an easy implementation of a Slider Button to cancel current transaction or screen. Highly customizable iphone alike looking widget.
A swipe to confirm button for flutter.A sliding Flutter widget, based on the slide to unlock function from multiple devices. Heavily customizable and flexible.
Custom Layout with interactive add button to impove your UI and UX .
A simple widget for having child widgets that respond to gestures with a spring animation.
An animatable radio button that can be customized to the max.
I found it strange that flutter only provides two radio widgets: Radio and RadioListTile The main issue with these widgets is that both of them force the use of the default Android leading animated circular icon. This widget leaves everything up to the user by allowing them to provide their own builder function. On top of that, an animations builder can also be provided. This gets passed a parent animation controller with which the user can then use to create a list of animations that can animate the widgets transition between states.
Flutter reaction button plugin . it is fully customizable widget such as Facebook reaction button
Flutter example using floating buttons and dialogs .Example of floating buttons using dialogs on Flutter
custom flutter candies(widgets) for you to build flutter app easily, enjoy it .A Flutter grid view easy to build waterfall flow layout quickly.
flutter_progress_button is a free and open source (MIT license) Material Flutter Button that supports variety of buttons style demands. It is designed to be easy to use and customizable.
Flutter buttons for social platforms .Flutter widget library containing buttons for authenticating with popular social networks: Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft.
A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and Radio Buttons much easier!
A Material Flutter Button that supports progress and error visuals .ProgressButton is designed to be easy to use and customizable. Without going into much detail, you can see a demo and example code below. What more do you need from a single class package??
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for generating signin buttons for different social media account.
Flutter Floating Action Button with Speed Dial .Easily create your own floating action button list
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