This blog written with the purpose of introducing you to fastai’s awesome datablock api. This is first part of blog and the part 2 will be code approach.
Even though fastai follows top down approach, I am writing this first part of blog with no code, and theoretical explanation which sets motive to learn datablock with code in part2.(in course Jeremy gives motive and awesome explanation to why use it, before code, So I find that important before writing code.)
So lets start!!!
If you have used any deep learning framework( I use PyTorch so speak w.r.t. it) to build a model to solve a deep learning problem, you go through steps of collecting the data, what type of problem is it(like image classification, segmentation ), see what are dependent and independent variables, how to split the data into training and validation set, apply transforms to improve accuracy.

#fastai #pytorch #blogging

Make code Simple with DataBlock API
2.55 GEEK