A poll conducted by JetBrains in early 2017 to identify the State of Developer Ecosystem revealed quite interesting results. Over 5000 developers from across the world participated in the poll. Let’s talk about a few important bits and pieces that came out of the poll. Java remains one of the most popular programming languages in the developer community, while JavaScript is the most used. Go has a lot of potential and promise and could become a favorite of developers in the time to come.

Another important takeaway of the poll, one that is directly related to our topic of discussion, is that Spring Boot is the second most used web framework after Spring MVC. So it seems that Spring Boot has managed to ride the tide and keep its loyal developers on its side, even after the development of several other similar frameworks.

Java developers that are skilled in Spring Boot and those that are thinking of upskilling themselves now know that the Spring Boot framework is here to stay. Let’s now look at a few global spring developer salary trends before we specifically talk about spring developer salary in India.

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Spring Developer Salary in India: For Freshers & Experienced [2021]
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