An SQL Server database moves between different states/modes. This article discusses SQL database stuck in “In Recovery” mode.

Summary: An SQL Server database moves between different states/modes. This article discusses SQL database stuck in “In Recovery” mode, and the reasons behind it. Also, explore the possible action you can take to bring the DB back to its consistent state.

After restarting SQL Server, the database moves to “In Recovery” mode. You may also see the DB in recovery state on its startup or when restoring it from backup.

Figure 1- SQL Database “In Recovery” Mode

The database ‘recovering’ state means that the database performs a recovery process and will automatically come online once the process is complete. However, you may experience that the recovery is slow, and the database is stuck in a recovery state. Your DB might still be under recovery state, as SQL databases undergo three phases of recovery, which can take time depending on your database files’ size.

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Resolving SQL Database Stuck “In Recovery” Mode
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