Effortlessly obtain the historical data of over a thousand stocks. For free.

Anyone Can Do This
Beginners welcome. I’ve created this guide for Python developers of all skill levels. Maybe you don’t even know what Python is, and that’s okay! I’ve got you.

After running this program you’ll be left with a folder on your device that contains the historical data of any number of stocks. Also, I’ve simplified the code by breaking it into sections and giving a description of what each part of the code does.

If you’ve read any of my articles about automating the stock analysis process, you’ve probably seen this code before. I figured that since this program is so integral for algorithmic investing, I need to break it down further and make sure that everyone understands how to use it!

If this is your first time using Python (or coding in general), I’d recommend reading this article for a simple walk-through of the installation and startup process. And don’t worry, everybody learns how to code through practice. This is a great place to start learning!

#investing #stocks #fintech #python #automation #data-science

A Simple Program to Get Thousands of Stocks' Data - Hands-Off Investing
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