In JavaScript we have expression and statement. Even though I read the definition about it multiple times, after a while, I still forget which one is which. So, this post is a reminder for everyone like me who confuses these two, so you will never forget it but always keep in mind the difference between expression and statement.

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Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

A JS expression is any valid code that resolves into a value and can be written whenever you would expect a value. Usually expression are written in only one line. For example:

  • 42 // a number
  • “Hello World” // a string
  • 42 + 1 // a calculation
  • x = 42 + 1 // calculation
  • myVar // a variable
  • myFun() // a function that returns a value

But it’s more complicated than you think . There are different types of expressions:

  • Arithmetic: Resolves to a number, e.g.


42 + 1


  • String: Resolves to a string, e.g.

"Hello World"



#difference-between #difference #statement #expression #javascript #programming

What is an expression and what is a statement in JavaScript 
1.25 GEEK