This is a full JavaScript advanced crash course for you guys! It starts from basics in JavaScript, for somebody who is absolutely new to the language, and then builds on top of that.

We cover JavaScript fundamentals, basics, and then do 3 awesome JavaScript projects. After we’re done with basics and intermediate projects, we also cover advanced JavaScript topics! You can find everything here and jump to the section you want:


  • 00:00 What Is Javascript

  • 01:33 Text Editors

  • 03:19 Setting Up Development Environment

  • 06:38 Javascript File Inclusion

  • 08:53 Variables

  • 10:52 Var Let Vs Const

  • 12:01 Data Types

  • 16:32 Functions

  • 18:27 Console

  • 20:23 Function Parameters

  • 23:31 Return Statement

  • 27:46 Scoping

  • 37:19 Alert Prompt Confirm

  • 42:17 More On Objects

  • 48:44 More On Arrays

  • 54:22 If Else

  • 57:57 Switch Case

  • 01:03:11 Math Operators

  • 01:07:29 Increment Decrement

  • 01:14:37 Logical Operators

  • 01:21:46 Bitwise Operators

  • 01:26:39 For Loop

  • 01:32:32 While Loop

  • 01:34:20 Do While

  • 01:36:09 Break Vs Continue Vs Return

  • 01:39:50 Map On Arrays

  • 01:42:35 Filter On Arrays

  • 01:44:48 Foreach On Arrays

  • 01:47:00 Array Reduce

  • 01:51:24 Indexof Find

  • 01:55:20 Double Equal Vs Triple Equal

  • 02:03:01 JS DOM

  • 02:06:21 Document And Window Object

  • 02:11:57 getElementByID

  • 02:15:50 More JS Selectors

  • 02:21:53 setTimeout And setInterval

  • 02:24:55 clearTimeout And clearInterval

  • 02:28:12 Event Handlers

  • 02:32:12 Error Handling

  • 02:36:45 Closing Basics Of Javascript

  • 02:37:40 New Project! Tip Calculator

  • 02:59:42 New Project! Car Project

  • 04:18:12 New Project! Battle card game

  • 06:05:44 Advanced JavaScript Course Start

  • 06:06:31 Is This Course For You

  • 06:08:41 What Is ECMAScript

  • 06:10:31 Ecmascript Standards

  • 06:18:19 Support For ECMAScript

  • 06:20:54 What Is DOM

  • 06:26:33 DOM Apis

  • 06:30:30 What Is Runtime

  • 06:32:09 What Is Runtime Engine

  • 06:35:51 What Is Node

  • 06:40:46 What Is Nativescript

  • 06:45:41 What Is Electron

  • 06:50:10 V8 Intro

  • 06:50:52 Introduction To JIT

  • 06:57:11 Event Loop Intro

  • 07:01:31 What Is Callstack

  • 07:05:58 Internal Web Api

  • 07:07:50 Task Queues

  • 07:17:24 Understanding Taskqueue

  • 07:27:08 Raf Queue

  • 07:36:20 Introduction To Microtask Queue

  • 07:47:31 Example Question

  • 07:53:52 Another Example

  • 08:05:35 Final Example

#javascript #web-development #angular #node #react

Learn JavaScript - Advanced JavaScript Crash Course + Projects πŸ”₯
81.55 GEEK