How Low Code Development Is Transforming the Development Landscape

65% of application development activities will use low-code development tools, says a research conducted by Gartner. It goes on to say that by 2024, three-fourths of large enterprises will be using low-code app development for IT app development as well as citizen development initiatives. The research proves that the market for low code app development is growing as a result of the increased requirement of applications and difficulty to find skilled developers.

While low-code app development is an interesting prospect for all businesses, it’s more so for small businesses. Meeting customer needs and staying in the loop of the latest trends with minimal investment, and external help is the dream of every small business. Though commercially available applications try to meet this demand, they don’t raise upto expectations when customization is required. Here, low-code app platforms emerge as the best solution.

Building Apps with Low-Code
Low-code development is a promising technology that can completely transform the development landscape. It allows for the development of applications with little or no code. So, in order to design and create an application, you don’t have to be an expert programmer or designer. With low-code platforms, anyone can become a developer.

So, how do low-code development achieve this? Through visual interfaces. The low-code platforms are equipped with exceptional graphical user interfaces that simplify app development. Instead of traditional computer programming, they implement features like drag and drop and form builders to create applications. All the coding that is involved in the app development- both frontend and backend- are automatically generated by the platform. The users wouldn’t need to write even a single line of code!

Compared to the traditional app development process, low-code development cuts down manual efforts tremendously. Users just need to customize existing templates and put together pre-built objects to create a working application. So, it brings down the app development cost and time by a large margin. Further, it helps to reduce manual coding errors, making it easy for you to build a perfect app in simple steps.

Benefits of Low-Code Platforms
The surplus benefits of taking the no-code route is making low-code platforms popular in several verticals. This is especially true for enterprise app development. The popularity of low-code enterprise app development platforms like Zudy, Mendix, and Kintone proves the same. Its extensive advantages are also attracting other industries. Let us take a look at what the benefits it offers are.
Reduce IT Skills Gap: Often, a challenge that comes in front of companies wanting to build app solutions for them is the need to hire an external app development company for the purpose. But with low-code app development, companies can bridge this gap. By leveraging the existing IT staff and non-developers in the organization, they can develop an app by themselves easily and quickly.

Speedy app development: The traditional app development process requires months of development time. Often, it turns out to be a long and drawn-out process. The cycle of coding, testing, and debugging is time consuming. Low code development, however, decreases the development time extensively. No need for coding and fewer chances of errors leading to lesser time for testing ensures that low-code apps can be developed in a small amount of time.

Cost-effective: Since the app development can be carried out with the internal team itself and there is no need to hire an external company, development costs can be minimized. The internal team can perform the development, design, and also look after the updates, making it a low-cost app development approach. Several ecommerce companies choose low code development because of this benefit. It brings down ecommerce app development costs by a lot.

Minimum learning curve: The low-code development tools are designed in such a way that they are easy to learn and use. So, for anyone who is venturing into low-code app development, the learning curve is very low. Thus, deploying an internal team for development does not require much training to be given to them. They can get the hang of the platform quickly.

Scalability: Unlike traditional app development, low-code development provides much flexibility to users. Companies can start off by creating a web app solution if they wish so. And later, as the business grows, they can progress to hybrid or native app development. This choice of scalability is very advantageous for small businesses.

The future for low-code development is bright. However, there are certain challenges that must be overcome in terms of APIs and infrastructure. But with enough focus on developing this revolutionary technology, it will totally change the development landscape and open more doors. But even with the existing challenges, low-code development is effective, fast, and productive. It ensures that a lack of coding skills will no longer be a barrier for organizations to expand their business. The efficient business outcome that it provides has made it a golden technology for many companies.

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