The Most Popular Flutter Grid Components

1. Flutter Annual Task

Flutter package for displaying grid view of daily task like Github-Contributions.

Flutter Annual Task

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2. Flutter Layout Grid

A grid-based layout system for Flutter, optimized for user interface design, inspired by CSS Grid Layout.
Flutter Layout Grid

  • Fixed, flexible, and content-based row and column sizing
  • Precise control over placement of items if desired, including the ability to span rows, columns, and overlap items
  • A configurable automatic grid item placement algorithm, capable of sparse and dense packing across rows and columns
  • Right-to-left support, driven by ambient Directionality or configuation
  • Gutters!

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3.Flutter Staggered Animations

Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children as shown in Material Design guidelines.

Flutter Staggered Animations

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4.Drag Select Grid View

A grid that supports both dragging and tapping to select its items.
Drag Select Grid View

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5.Flutter Staggered Grid View

A Flutter staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.

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  • Configurable cross-axis count or max cross-axis extent like the GridView
  • Tiles can have a fixed main-axis extent, or a multiple of the cell’s length.
  • Configurable main-axis and cross-axis margins between tiles.
  • SliverStaggeredGrid for using in a CustomScrollView.
  • Staggered and Spannable grid layouts.

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The Most Popular Flutter  Grid Components
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