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Create social learning environments…

I was encouraged by what my friend said, so I set out to host a homeschool day at my home every other month.It’s more interesting for child or for students that are used to write big amount of homework that they used to buy at essay services about which they read reviews at websites such as or similar to it! I used my need for a creative outlet and her need for people to create wonderful themed parties and it worked! In no time at all, her attitude was changing. She was interacting better with others and she was understanding all the rules of socialization in a structured learning environment.

By controlling the environment, I was able to predict and prepare for the character issues that would arise. You don’t need to set out to plan an elaborate homeschool day, open up your home and invite some friends. Make sure you stay attentive to your child and address issues as soon as they arise.
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Know your child’s personality type…

As children get older, there personalities begin to take shape right before our eyes. Yet, I have been guilty of not always paying attention. God made our children absolutely unique, with special giftings, likings and personalities.

Understanding how God created our children and what they need is vitally important if we want to create a homeschool environment that fosters a love for learning. I think this is especially true for only child families. We can get caught up in comparing our children to ourselves or wanting them to fit into a certain mold that we overlook who they really are, which brings me to my next point…


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