Integrate Flutter Google SignIn With Firebase to allow user authentication in your Flutter app.

0:00 Introduction Google SignIn With Firebase Auth
0:28 Setup Firebase For Google SignIn
3:33 Add Fingerprints SHA-1 & SHA256
4:54 Setup Firebase Google SignIn In Flutter
6:13 iOS & Web Firebase Setup For Google SignIn
6:50 Add Google SignIn to Flutter App
7:23 Create Sign In With Google Button
8:27 SignIn With Google / Login With Google
11:33 Navigate To HomePage On Google SignIn
12:53 Firebase Google SignIn: API Exception 10 / Endless Loading Screen
13:23 Firebase AuthStateChanges
14:01 Display User Information / Access Google Information
15:31 Stay SignedIn With Google When App Closed
16:00 SignOut With Google / Logout With Google
18:02 Google Sign In Doesn't Work After Release / Publishing App To PlayStore?

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#flutter #firebase 

How to Implement Google SignIn with Firebase Auth in Flutter
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