A Flutter based SoundCloud App for your Fire TV

πŸ“Ί SoundOnFire

A Flutter based SoundCloud App for your Fire TV.

Getting Started

In order to get started with SoundOnFire on your FireTV, you need to do the following:

  • Download the latest Release from one of those:
  • Install the .apk on your FireTV
    • with you Android Smartphone using this App
    • with your computer or another FireTV App reade here
  • Once the SoundOnFire App has been installed on your FireTV, it will directly pop up on the bottom right of your screen. Otherwhise you will find it under: Home > Your Apps > All Apps > SoundOnFire

In-App Update

When the App startes, it will automatically check for new releases of SoundOnFire and will notify you if there is an update availabe. You will then have three option: Don’t show again, Dismiss or Update (recommended)


This is currently the roadmap, please feel free to request additions/changes.

Feature Progress
Stop playing when App crashes/closes/pauses βœ…
FireTV remote hardkey support (Play/Pause, Rewind, Forward) βœ…
Playlist mode (Continue playing, when track finished) βœ…
Screensaver disabled when playing βœ…
Comprehensive Footer (Current Track, Play/Pause, etc.) βœ…
In-App Update βœ…
Autofetch search results βœ…
Smartphone as Remote (Paring via QR) πŸ”œ
Store favorites locally πŸ”œ
Use Slider to scroll through track πŸ”œ

Known Issues

  • BUG: When track ends in Playlist, sometimes an error occurs related to the bottom-bar slider:
    • 'package:flutter/src/material/slider.dart': Failed assertion: line 132 pos 15: 'value >= min && value <= max': is not true.


PRs Welcome!


Read here

Download Details:

Author: timoknapp

Source Code: https://github.com/timoknapp/sound-on-fire

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

A Flutter based SoundCloud App for your Fire TV
27.25 GEEK