Syncfusion’s  Blazor collection offers over 70 high-performance, lightweight, and responsive UI components, including file-format libraries, in a single package. The components work with Blazor server-side and client-side (Blazor WebAssembly) projects seamlessly. In this blog, I am going to walk you through the new astonishing features and control for Blazor in our  2021 Volume 2 release.

New Tailwind CSS theme

Now, you can enjoy Tailwind CSS theming support in all Syncfusion  Blazor UI components. This provides more styles for elegantly designing a webpage.

New Tailwind CSS Theme
New Tailwind CSS Theme

You can check out each Blazor component’s design using the theme switcher on our  website.

Ignore script isolation and CRG

You can skip the built-in JavaScript isolation and load only the necessary scripts from the application end. This feature helps improve the initial load performance of the Blazor components.

#blazor #what's new #webassembly

What’s New in 2021 Volume 2: Blazor
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