How to Create a Password Authentication System using Python

A password authentication system is a security mechanism that verifies the identity of a user by requiring them to provide a password. The password is typically a secret combination of characters that only the user knows.

In this tutorial, we will  learn how to create a password authentication system using Python. To create a password authentication system using Python you have to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Create a dictionary of usernames with their passwords.
  • Then you have to ask for user input as the username by using the input function in Python.
  • Then you have to use the getpass module in Python to ask for user input as the password. Here we are using the getpass module instead of the input function to make sure that the user doesn’t get to see what he/she write in the password field.

So let’s follow the steps mentioned above to create a password authentication system using Python:

import getpass
database = {"thomas.jacks": 897567", "davids.oscar": "543289"}
username = input("Enter Your Username : ")
password = getpass.getpass("Enter Your Password : ")
for i in database.keys():
    if username == i:
        while password != database.get(i):
            password = getpass.getpass("Enter Your Password Again : ")

So this is how we can authenticate the identity of a user by using the Python programming language. Now you can try the same logic with more usernames and other data structures also.

Happy Coding!!!


How to Create a Password Authentication System using Python
1.20 GEEK