This tutorial or guide to use WordPress Theme Customizer is for those who’s a newbie to WordPress and just finished installing WordPress for his website. Selecting a suitable theme for your brand and requirement, is the very first step to create an attractive website. But even after the theme is selected, how further customization and website designing should be performed? Here what the WordPress Theme Customizer and its usage can be helpful.

What is WordPress Theme Customizer?
WordPress Theme Customizer is WordPress in-built feature that allows users to design and style their WordPress website. Also, it offers to preview any changes before publishing the design changes to front end. So, no matters you have selected the best theme for your brand, you need to do some refinements as well to meet your proper purposes. And in order to do so, you should aware of how to use WordPress theme customizer.

Where to locate WordPress Theme Customizer in Dashboard?
WordPress website offers a standard theme customizer as it comes as a built-in feature. In order to access it, users can log-in to WordPress dashboard with admin (Administrator) account. Once logged in, navigate to Appearance > Customize, which can be located in the left hand sidebar of dashboard. Once you click Customize, it will open WordPress theme customizer with current active theme.

WordPress Theme Customizer Options Explained:
Typography: Used for changing font settings and typography styles
Site Identity: Here, users can assign a site title, tagline, and upload site logo, icon, and so on.
Colors: Used for changing color preferences like background color, link color, etc.
Header Image: Under this section, user can set a header image.
Background Image: Allows to set a background image for WordPress website.
Menus: This section is used for creating new site menus, assigning its positions, and many more.
Widgets: Under this section, users can add different widgets in sidebar, footer, homepage, etc
Homepage Settings: Mostly, this section is used for assigning homepage as either a static page or blog page.
Theme Settings: This section is dependent on certain themes, allows more additional features offered by Theme authors.
Additional CSS: Custom or additional CSS can be assigned here. If you are expert to deal with CSS, HTML, and core designing skills, this section can be very helpful.

How To Use WordPress Theme Customizer?
After looking through various available features under theme customizer in WordPress, obviously there’s many thing you can customize within your website or blog. So let;s learn each above discussed options one by one.

1: Changing Default Website Fonts (Typography)
2: Site Title, Logo, and Favicon Customization (Site Identity)
3: Website Color Scheme Customization (Colors)
4: Header Image Customization (Header Image)
5: Customizing Background Image
6: Customizing Navigation Menus
7: Customizing WordPress Widgets
8: Customizing Homepage Settings
9: Customizing Theme Settings
10: Customizing Additional CSS

Need More Customizations In WordPress site?
The standard customizer settings is all here discussed in this article, but in case if you need more modifications which are not here specified, you can do so using WordPress Plugin. You can easily search and find more customization plugins which can add more tweaking options to your WordPress blog easily.

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Beginner’s Guide To Use WordPress Theme Customizer (Ultimate Guide 2021) › Servo Node
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