Repeating a Task N Times in Python

Python repeat n times Using the range() Function and Repeat N Times in Python Using the itertools.repeat() Method Example.

python repeat n times


python repeat n times : Repeat N Times in Python use the range() function and pass it into a for loop. To loop n times, use loop over range(n) for i in range(n): Here are three ways one can create a list with a single element repeated ‘n’ times.

Repeat N Times in Python Using the range() Function


jk = 10
for x in range(jk):

jk = 10
for _ in range(jk):


Repeat N Times in Python Using the itertools.repeat() Method


import itertools

jk = 10
for _ in itertools.repeat(None, jk):

Iterate N Times in a Python for Loop


for num in range(6):


How to efficiently loop N times in Python?


N = 7
for _ in itertools.repeat(None, N):





python loop n times

In Python, you can use a loop to iterate a certain number of times using the range() function. Here’s an example of how to use a for loop to iterate n times:


n = 5 # change 5 to the number of times you want to loop

for i in range(n):
# your code here


In the code above, replace 5 with the number of times you want to loop. The range() function generates a sequence of numbers from 0 to n-1, which the for loop iterates over. You can replace the comment # your code here with the actual code you want to execute during each iteration.

Alternatively, you can use a while loop to iterate a certain number of times by initializing a counter variable and incrementing it with each iteration until it reaches the desired number of times. Here’s an example:


n = 5 # change 5 to the number of times you want to loop

i = 0
while i < n:
# your code here
i += 1


In this code, replace 5 with the number of times you want to loop. The while loop will execute as long as the i variable is less than n. During each iteration, the i variable is incremented by 1, and the code inside the loop is executed.


I hope you get an idea about python repeat n times.


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Repeating a Task N Times in Python
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