7 Tips for Mastering Node.js for Developers

If you have ever heard about Node.js then you might know that it is one the most prominent and powerful frameworks of JavaScript. Since its release, it has continued to keep its stranglehold on the IT market. Even with the introduction of new and vibrant JS Frameworks like Angular, React, Meteor etc., the popularity of Node.js never seems to cease.

In this article I will introduce 7 Tips to become a better Node.js developer in 2020

1. Modularize Your Code

Entangled in the habit of writing uncomfortably long pieces of code? Organize your code into smaller pieces that improve readability for your, and anyone else’s, later reference. It may be a difficult habit to get into, but the rewards will show up later on.

If you modularize your code, you will find it relatively easy to make the most of Node’s asynchronous philosophy. Keeping chunks of code small will help you during the development of complex applications in Node.js.Entangled in the habit of writing uncomfortably long pieces of code? Organize your code into smaller pieces that improve readability for your, and anyone else’s, later reference. It may be a difficult habit to get into, but the rewards will show up later on.

If you modularize your code, you will find it relatively easy to make the most of Node’s asynchronous philosophy. Keeping chunks of code small will help you during the development of complex applications in Node.js.

2. Use Asynchronous Code

Input/output operations can be performed synchronously (where the resources get blocked for some duration) or asynchronously (where the resources aren’t blocked and tasks can be performed in parallel). However, if there are multiple operations where resources keep getting blocked, the performance of the overall web application will be hampered significantly. The promise object and event loops can prove to be of immense help in this regard.

3. JavaScript Standard Style to the Rescue

Further, the absence of a set development style can lead to serious problems in the code later on and this can be avoided by opting for Javascript Standard Style. In this way, you would be spared from unnecessary complications and managing .jscsrc or .jshintrc files as well.

Some of the benefits of, styles imposed by, the JavaScript Standard Style are:

  • Automatically format code by running standard –fix.
  • It is possible to save a lot of time by fixing programming errors and style issues early on.
  • For strings, make use of single quotes.
  • Single space after keywords.
  • Function name followed by a space.

4. Group ‘Require’ Statements at the Top

This one is greatly recommended! Group ‘Require’ statements at the top to avoid performance issues, as ‘Require’ is synchronous and halts the execution. Instead, you could utilize Node’s built-in module loading system that has its own require function for loading modules that exist in separate files.

5. Nip the Errors in the Bud

Leaving bugs in the code can lead to ugly scenarios. In order to steer clear of total chaos, make it a point to listen to error events. In this way, you can spot an error at an early stage and take corrective action accordingly. Error handling is somewhat easy in Node and you could make use of it without any major fuss.

6. Semantic Versioning

Have you ever thought that by updating packages without SemVer you are already breaking up Node apps? It is so important to use Semantic Versioning to notify your customers about updates and what tasks are required on their end for updating to the new version.

7. Make Use of Containers

Containers are essentially the way forward when it comes to programming with Node. A container like Docker can make your deployments immensely secure, among other advantages. Besides that, you could even use containers to simulate production environments locally.

This is what I want to share with you, I hope this article will help you become a better Node.js developer by 2020. If you find it useful, please share it with everyone.
Thanks for reading .

#node #nodejs #javascript

7 Tips for Mastering Node.js for Developers
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