In this fourth part, we are going to complete the construction of our AWS infrastructure. What we are left to create are:

  • S3 Buckets for logs and to store the Jenkins User Data (which we are going to implement in the fifth Part)
  • ECR Repository where the Docker images will be uploaded
  • IAM Policies to let the EC2 instance have the right access to other AWS resources.
  • Secrets Manager Secret to store our bitbucket SSH keys (that we are going to create) which will be needed by the Jenkins instance to pull down the repository at the start of the pipeline. In this regard we will create so-called Jenkins credentials which will store the private key and allow jenkins to comunicate with the Bibucket repo.

#ci-cd-pipeline #jenkins #aws #terraform #bitbucket #docker

Build a complete CI/CD Pipeline with AWS - Jenkins - Bitbucket - Docker - Terraform
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