Today is our lucky day, and We will know how to send a notification in laravel 7. Laravel mechanism is getting stronger day by day, and we all know it. The laravel notification system not just supports mail but it also goes smooth with the database, broadcasting, sms, slack, markdown etc.

Laravel Notification Example

Notifications can be seen as a short and straightforward message deliver to a user for giving vital info, events or to evoke action in the application. Preferably, notifications keep the existing users in the loop, and it boosts user engagement as well. This is also valuable from a user experience’s perspective.

Laravel offers noted features, and you can commence notification in laravel 7 by executing the artisan command.

Notifications are required in almost every application, especially which falls in the category of e-commerce, social media, or any noted digital product. Good news is you securely customize notification.

Install Laravel Project

With the consensus, let’s evoke the first step. In general, this step is the foundational step for installing the laravel application. Preferably, after this step, you can write code about creating a notification system in laravel.

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How to Create Notification in Laravel 7
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