For the past couple of years, we have been using require.js for module loading and Grunt for automating tasks on front-end, for one out of many projects we have in Wingify. The project has a huge code-base and has many independent components inside it with some shared utilities. Also, there was no concrete build system which could be scaled upon adding new components.

Require.js was being used for good code-structuring, managing modules and their loading. All the different modules were having their own require-config.js file to define rules for a particular module.

Grunt was being used for automating different tasks required to speed up mundane work. We had a number of tasks like the require-amdclean task, concatenating different script / CSS files, minification of files, cache-busting mechanism and so on.

Following are some benefits we were getting from the require-amdclean task:

  • We didn’t have to include require.js in production, thus, saving some bytes.
  • Generation of single js file entirely in Vanilla JavaScript.
  • Get rid of file size/source code readability concerns.
  • It was a great fit to be used as a standalone Javascript library, which is exactly our case.

Everything was working as expected but maintenance, performance, and scale were the issues. We had so many healthy discussions regarding improving things and thus we thought of upgrading our tech stack too. Also, as I mentioned we didn’t have a concrete build system; it was the right time to investigate further. We were ready to spend some quality time in researching technologies which could fit in our build system. Gaurav Nanda and I took a break from our daily chores and read many articles/blogs and the not-so-useful official docs to get a good command over various technologies. Migrating from Grunt to Gulp wasn’t helping us since build time was nearly the same. The task which took a lot of time was the require-amdclean task, taking around 10 seconds even for adding just a single character like ; while working in the development environment.

#webpack #yarn #programming #developer

Migrating Towards Yarn and Webpack
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