Golang RabbitMQ using Docker.
In this video we can see how to connect to RabbitMQ instance from a Go app using Docker.
Lets Begin with Connecting to RabbitMQ instance.

Why Use Brokers?
Using Brokers allows us as developers to implement more resilient distributed systems that are able to handle parts of the application going down.

First things first, we’ll need an instance of RabbitMQ that we can interact with . The quickest approach is to use the docker run command and specifying the image name that we want to run:

docker run -d --hostname wow-rabbit --name firstthis-rabbit -p 8086:8086 rabbitmq:3-management

Install: go get github.com/streadway/amqp

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Golang RabbitMQ using Docker | Connect to RabbitMQ instance
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