In this article, I am going to share all of the technologies you will need to know & learn in order to become a front-end developer, the first half of a full-stack developer. All of the resources are free

Robert Guss


20 MAR 2020 • 2 MIN READ

How to become a full-stack web developer - Front-End

Text Editor

A text editor is a tool that developers use to write code. It is the most critical tool in your arsenal. So, before we can begin learning how to write code, we need to learn the basics of this tool. As you progress into the next sections, you are going to be using your text editor a lot and will gain the most knowledge and experience as you are learning how to code.

In this section, I want you first to download Visual Studio Code and get familiar with the basics.


In this section, you are going to learn HTML. HTML is the backbone of the web. It is the studs inside of a house or the bones in our bodies. It is the foundation upon which all web pages are built. So, having a solid grasp of it is crucial.

Learn to Code HTML & CSS by Shay Howe

Start with the left column first and then move on to the right column advanced section. In the left sidebar there is also a Course 201 ‘Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS’ you should take this course as well.

#front-end #full-stack #web developer

How to become a full-stack web developer
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