Promises were one of the most exciting novelties of ES6. You might have used Promises before with libraries like Bluebird or Q, but they only became a standard JavaScript feature in 2015.

The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value.

Promise does something that can take some time, but eventually it will resolve if everything went well or reject if something went wrong. With _.then _and .catch you can then do something respectively with the result or with the error.

const promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	      if (Math.random(1) > 0.5) {
	        resolve('Some value');
	      } else {
	        reject('Some error');
	  }, 500);

	promise.then((response) => {
	}).catch(err => {

They were introduced almost five years ago, so Promises shouldn’t be anything new to you, but ES2020 comes with a new feature: Promise.allSettled. It comes to fill a gap left by the ES6 Promise.all and Promise.race.

This tutorial covers Promise.allSettled functionality introduced in ES2020. Also, Promise.all has been compared with Promise.allSettled in this tutorial.

#es2020 #javascript #programming

JavaScript tutorial - Promise.allSettled, ES2020
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