Data Science is all the rage these days. From tech giants to startups, there is not a single modern company that wishes to miss out on the big data. Fear of missing out is a big deal and if these organizations don’t want to miss out on the big data, then it is completely understandable for you to feel the same. Don’t worry! As I am here to save the day. The best thing you can do to step into the world of data science is to have one most common skill of data scientist.

The Data scientists all over the world uses R as their primary tool for gathering, cleaning, organizing, analyzing and visualizing data. While there are many other applications of R programming, it is most popular as a language that facilitates data analysis.

Starting with R

R is a programming language for statistical computing and data analysis. It is the industry standard for analysis tools. It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the year 1992 at the University of Auckland. It is open-source and is completely free to use. With more than 15,000 packages available online, there is very little that R cannot do.

#data-science #data-analysis #r #developer

Data Science Dream is not so far with R
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