Build Modern WordPress Themes with Eightshift Boilerplate


About Eightshift Boilerplate

Eightshift Boilerplate is a modern, Gutenberg-oriented, WordPress theme boilerplate. It includes everything you need to start building a modern WordPress project, using state-of-the-art frontend development tools, and it's at the core of the Eightshift Development Kit. Find out more in Eightshift Docs →

⚠️ Requirements

To get started, you'll need:

  • Node LTS
  • Composer
  • git
  • WP-CLI

🏁 Quick start

If you'd like to get started ASAP, run npx create-wp-project inside of wp-content/themes to bootstrap your Eightshift Development Kit project.

Documentation on getting started with Eightshift Boilerplate is available in Eightshift Docs →

📚 Documentation

Eightshift Development Kit comes with comprehensive documentation.

💻 Other resources

  • Documentation
  • Tutorials and more on the blog
  • Storybook
  • SassDoc
  • Other parts of the Development kit:
    • Eightshift Boilerplate for Plugins
    • Eightshift Frontend Libs
    • Eightshift Libs

Download Details:

Author: infinum

Official Github: 

License: MIT


Build Modern WordPress Themes with Eightshift Boilerplate
1.10 GEEK