Cool things you can do with JavaScript

I don’t know if you already know, but initially, JavaScript was developed as an add-on to Netscape’s browser. And for years, it was seen as a horrible, disorganized, and slow language, for that, really was the reality.

But JavaScript rejected all complaints and decided to evolve. Today it is much more organized and powerful. It has a variety of features that make it easy for us to create a multitude of applications. Best of all, the language isn’t just limited to browsers anymore.

So in today’s article, I will get to know the true power of JavaScript beyond its standard usage and even outside browsers.

1. Game Development in JavaScript

2. Mobile Applications in JavaScript

3. Tests in JavaScript

4. Servers in JavaScript

5. Database in JavaScript

6. Dynamic websites in JavaScript

#javascript #technology #programming

JavaScript Will Continue to Dominate Web Technologies
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