Microservices is the application platform of choice and every developer must know about it.

Microservices have become the application platform of choice for cloud applications development.  Nginx conducted a survey and they found that about 70% of the organizations are either using or investigating microservices, with nearly 1/3 currently using them in production. Gartner, a global research and advisory firm, defines a microservice as,

“a service-oriented application component that is tightly scoped, strongly encapsulated, loosely coupled, independently deployable and independently scalable”

This article is about refreshing your microservices knowledge. Everything you must/should know if you have/haven’t worked with microservices has been documented. Let’s get started. Shall we?

So, what the heck is a Microservice?

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

#developer #programming #microservices

Everything A Developer Must Know About Microservices
1.10 GEEK