Deep Learning in Go - Present and Future

Deep learning in Go - Present and Future

After hypnotizing the large scale cloud software community with its capabilities, Go now starts to stare at the exciting area of deep learning. Deep learning in Go?!! But why? And how? What’s next? Curious? Let’s explore it with a fun-filled, fast-paced deep dive into deep learning in Go.

Deep Learning with Go

You’ve heard about self-driving cars, self-organizing drone swarms, conversational interfaces, and emotion recognition. That’s all ‘deep learning’ - a powerful AI taking the world by storm! In my talk, I’ll show you how to build ‘deep learning’ models with Go to solve complex real-world challenges.

#Go #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #AI #machine-learning

Deep Learning in Go - Present and Future
3.70 GEEK