Hello everyone! I thought it would be interesting to have a look at a few different approaches to state management in react. In this video, we look at the difference in readability and performance of a few popular choices, mainly: Props vs Context vs Redux vs Recoil.

0:00 - Intro
1:52 - Local State
3:45 - Props
6:19 - Context
10:36 - Redux
15:01 - Recoil

Useful Links:
Commit with changes: https://github.com/redhwannacef/youtube/commit/d301ce20daf6280b763b9c454519cea1c900b794
Github: https://github.com/redhwannacef/youtube/tree/master/react-state-management

#props #context #redux #recoil

Props vs Context vs Redux vs Recoil | React State Management
1.75 GEEK