Workload automation is the foundation of the digital transformation necessary to deliver a great customer experience today.

Companies live or die on the experience they provide for their customers today. Across multiple channels, from physical stores to online and mobile, customer expectations around responsiveness and  personalized service have never been higher.

In fact, in  a 2017 survey by analyst Gartner, more than two-thirds of companies said they compete mostly on the basis of customer experience (CX), over price, and product. That figure rose to 81% by 2019. CX is the new battleground.

The fight’s not just about consumer CX either. A  study by consultant Walker claims that CX will also overtake price and product as a competitive differentiator in the business-to-business (B2B) market as business buyers demand the same fast, personalized, and friction-free digital interactions they experience as consumers.

See also: More Than Personal: Customer Experiences in the Post-Digital Age

CX is everything

The consequences of failing to meet those expectations have never been more damaging to brands. In its  ‘Experience is everything’ report on the future of CX, PwC found that a third of the 15,000 consumers it questioned would leave a brand they love after just a single bad experience. That figure rises to 92% for two or three bad experiences.

The proliferation of big data is key to providing the analysis and insight that allows companies to create better CX, but many organizations are struggling to manage the volume and different types of enterprise data: transactional, behavioral, social media, supply chain, and more. They are drowning in ever-increasing and disconnected silos of both structured and unstructured data — and this can have negative consequences for CX.

While most businesses rightly focus on the customer-facing applications and processes that drive CX, delivering great experiences goes much deeper. It’s less about how data is stitched together at the front end and more about the underlying process of orchestrating the collection, evaluation, and governance of that data to ensure its quality and trustworthiness for those front-end applications.

Here are four ways that  automation and  big data can help you improve CX:

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4 Ways Automation and Big Data Drive Great Customer Experience
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