Laravel - Category Treeview Hierarchical Structure Example with Demo

Today, I am going to share with you how to create dynamic category tree view structure in Laravel 5 application using jquery. We sometime require to make tree view structure for category and subcategory in laravel 6, laravel 7 and laravel 8 project.

In this tutorial i simple create “categories” table and manage end level of parents and child category with nested tree view structure in Laravel application. I use jquery for make tree view layout and child relationship with category model for hierarchical data. I also add form for create new category in tree view.

If you are new in laravel then also you can do it simple and also simply customize it because this tutorial from scratch. You can simple following bellow step, you will get category tree view in your application as bellow preview and also you can check demo.


Step 1: Install Laravel 5.3 Application

Step 2: Create Category Table and Model

Step 3: Create Route

Step 4: Create Controller

Step 5: Create View

Step 6: Add CSS and JS File

#php programming #laravel

Laravel - Category Treeview Hierarchical Structure Example with Demo
7.20 GEEK