This short article will discuss the simple steps for building To-do applications using Vue Composition APIs. Let’s start with the short introduction of Vue Composition APIs for a better understanding.

Vue Composition APIs are considered function-based APIs that offer flexibility and improved code readability with maintaining the component logic. The reason to describe the Vue composition APIs is to consider the limitations of option API as the component gets larger.

For implementing Vue Composition API with Typescript, follow the below steps.

Let’s lookout its steps.

Step 1

Integrating Vuex 4

we will need to update two files: store/index.js and store/mutations.js


Mutations accept the state as its first argument and payload as the second and then updates the state with the received payload.

Step 2

Components using Composition API

  • AddTask.vue.
  • Home. vue

The above steps are useful in Building To-do App using Vue Composition APIs and Vuex 4 with Typescript. Moreover, in these steps to use major features releases by Vuex 4 and integrate with the composition API in Vue 3, you can go for our latest article on Vue composition APIs that provide you code and examples of Small demo app.

#vue composition apis

Steps To Build To-do App using Vue Composition APIs and Vuex 4 with Typescript.
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