Learn how to use AWS Cognito, AppSync, and DynamoDB to set up a multi-tenant SaaS application with a React frontend.

One of the key entities in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model is the tenant — that is, any customer that signs up to use the given service.

The term tenant is taken from the concept of renting physical property. Tenants pay rent to occupy a space, but they do not own the property. Similarly, with SaaS products, customers pay to get access to the service, but they don’t own the software that offers the service.

There are various tenancy models available, namely:

  1. Single tenant: a single dedicated instance of an application is deployed for each customer
  2. Multi-tenant: a single instance of the application is deployed for all customers and shared amongst them
  3. Mixed tenant: one or more parts of an application are deployed as dedicated for each customer, and the rest is shared between all customers

Using the principles I covered in two previous posts (linked below), we will focus on the multi-tenant model and use AWS to set up up a multi-tenant SaaS application with a single multi-tenant database. We’ll use the following AWS resources:

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Building A Multi-Tenant Amplify App with A React Frontend
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