Laravel JWT Authentication Tutorial we will discuss today. Setting up JWT Token-based Authentication in Laravel 5.6 is easy. The traditional process of interacting with a website is that you log in from the login page. Next, you perform your desired actions and then log out. However, in the case of REST API, the process is entirely different. JWT (JSON Web Token) is usually used to send information that can be trusted and verified using a digital signature.

When we can use JSON Web Tokens

Let us say; you have a mobile application that needs to communicate with the server. Now, a server needs to identify that whom they are talking. HTTP is the stateless protocol. So we need to create a mechanism that resolves our issue that is how the server will identify that the user is new or old. Is it already registered with the application or not. Is it authorized a user or not? In that scenario, we can use JWT Authentication.

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Laravel JWT Authentication Tutorial Example
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