In my post Research guidelines for Machine Learning project, I explained how to split any Machine Learning projects into two stages (Research and Development) and some tricks to boost the Research stage.

In this post, I will delve into some techniques and tools that will help you out mastering your Research. While working in this stage, you should strive for simplicity and focus.

Project layout

This is the folder layout I tend to use at the beginning of any ML project. This layout is open to extension (such as adding a tests folder, deploy folder, etc) as soon as the project needs to grow up.

project          ## project root
├── data         ## data files
├── models       ## machine learning models
├── notebooks    ## notebook files
└── src          ## helper functions

Unlike regular software development projects, ML projects have 3 foundational stones: the source code (notebooks and src), the data consumed/produced by the code, and the model built/consumed by the code and the data.

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4 techniques to enhance your Research in Machine Learning projects
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