You will learn to create beautiful UI and WIDGET for applications.

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Topics Covered :-
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► How to Make NotificationList Screen/Page
► How to Make Notification Screen/Page
► How to Make AboutApplication Screen/Page
► How to Use Column
► How to Use Image
► How to Use AssetImage
► How to Use Scaffold
► How to Use Text
► How to Use Navigator
► How to Use String
► How to Use BorderRadius
► How to Use circular
► How to Use style
► How to Use textColor
► How to Use Icons
► How to Use BoxDecoration
► How to Use Alignment
► How to Use BoxFit
► How to Use Container
► How to Use Border
► How to Use DecorationImage
► How to Use ListTile
► How to Use ListView.seperated
► How to Use switch
► How to Use PreferredSizeWidget
► How to Use IconThemeData
► How to Use IconButton
► How to Use Divider
► How to Use ClampingScrollPhysics
► How to Use FittedBox
► How to Use BoxShadow
► How to Use SizedBox
► How to Use Align


Flutter App UI | E-Commerce App | EP.06 NotificationList,Notification &AboutApp Screens | Speed Code
2.20 GEEK