Three JS cameras are quite simple to use, but require an understanding of the underlying 3d mechanics like perspective and orthographic projections in order to fully comprehend. In this project we’ll explore both types of cameras that are offered in three js, we’ll look at the PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera classes, understand how the projections work by looking at the viewing frustums and how the parameters modify the furstum. We’ll also step through the code in JavaScript to instantiate and manipulate the camera’s position and orientation.

This is part in a series of tutorials on Three.js, aimed at helping beginners understand everything from the ground up. This is a beginners course, aimed at people with no background in the subject. We’ve covered simple setup and basic 3d worlds, and this project should give you a solid understanding of three.js camera setups.

The three.js library is available in JavaScript for cross-browser 3d graphics, wrapping webgl and making high level functionality available in the web browser. It’s an extremely mature and well maintained library that I use for many of these videos.

In the video, we cover:

  • How to instantiate and use the three js camera classes.
  • What are the differences between the camera types.
  • Viewing frustums and how to understand camera parameters, how they relate to perspective and orthographic projections.
  • How to manipulate cameras from code, changing position and orientation.




Three.js Cameras Explained | Tutorial for Beginners
3.00 GEEK