Learn how to create and publish your own Angular library using the Angular CLI and npm. With step-by-step instructions and code snippets, you'll be able to build and share your reusable components, directives, and services with the world in no time. Get ready to take your Angular development skills to the next level!

In this video, you will see how to create an #angular #library and publish it in the #NPM.
More specifically, you will learn that the steps to publish and install and package from NPM, are the following:

- Create a user
- Login both in the NPM UI and in the terminal
- Build the library
- Publish the library
- Install it

✨ Useful commands:
# NPM login
- npm adduser

# NPM verify that you are logged in
- npm whoami

# To build a library
- ng build my-lib

# To publish a library
- ng publish (please note that you have to "cd" into the dist directory of the library)

✨ Code: https://github.com/profanis/codeShotsWithProfanis/tree/26/angular-library-publish-npm
✨ Article: https://blog.profanis.me/blog/publish-an-angular-library-into-npm


Build and Publish Your Own Angular Library with Ease
1.70 GEEK