We are in a mobile world and businesses are continuously trying to find ways to ace the mobile app development. You might have heard about Xamarin and React Native frameworks to build mobile apps. These frameworks possess cross platform abilities, and their popularity has been been growing among the programming community. While choosing the best framework for app development, you might get confused between Xamarin vs React Native, so here we came with the comparison of Xamarin and React Native. Before digging to the comparison, let us see the overview of each one.

What Is Xamarin?


It is a popular cross-platform development framework used to build native-like and performant apps. Xamarin SDK was open-sourced and free within Microsoft Virtual Studio. More that 15k companies from various industries are using xamarin framework.

It uses a single programming language C# and .NET framework to create mobile apps for various platforms and requirements. Also, it uses XAML that is markup and data binding language for app. Xamarin acts as an abstraction layer that eases the communication of shares code for platforms. You can write the app and compile into native app packages. You can build cross platform apps, apps with native like performance, apps with reusable components etc with Xamarin.

What Is React Native?

It is a popular open-source framework that runs on Javascript. Mainly it focuses on the native rendering of apps which is compatible with iOS and Android. React native is written with XML-Esque markup and Javascript that is also called JSX. React Native is supported by the facebook community.  One can build simple cross-platform apps, apps with reusable components, apps that operate with synchronous APIs etc. with React native.

You can know the steps to optimize react native app at- Amazing steps to optimize the performance of React Native Applications

Xamarin Vs React Native- A Comparison

1. App Architecture-


It supports a whole lot of architectural patterns and is not bound to a single architecture. Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the way to go when designing native mobile apps with Xamarin. Similarly, you’d want to build Xamarin.Forms apps on the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) pattern to make the most out of Xamarin’s offerings. There are some other patterns in the Xamarin ecosystem like Singleton, Command and Publish/Subscribe.

React Native-

It possesses a bridge between Native thread and Javascript thread. According to this functionality, Javascript code communicates with platform and Native API. In case of iOS, React Native uses JavascriptCore separately to run code, but in Android it bundles the JavascriptCore within app. This might increase the native functionality and also increases the app size, that result in device lagging or performance issues.

2. Performance-


In terms of performance, apps with xamarin for Android turned out to be comparable with native apps. Xamarin.Andorid perform better than native apps in some instances like SQL BulkInsert operation. It can be say that Xamarin.Android is a great option for native apps. Xamarin.iOS apps, can not keep up with the performance metrics of native iOS apps. There are lots of factors that affect app performance including backend performance and Xamarin Native lets you to create apps that cannot be differentiated from natively developed ones.

Xamarin.Forms presents 90% code reusability, the app performance falls behind its native counterparts. For some common functions of mobile apps like booting, serialization/deserialization, image loading/saving, Xamarin.Forms apps showed the weaker metrics as compared to native apps. But various organizations and developers are ready to compromise on performance for operational feasibility and cost effectiveness they get in return.

React Native-

know more at- https://solaceinfotech.com/blog/xamarin-vs-react-native-which-one-is-best/

Xamarin Vs React Native - Which One Is Best? - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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