Variational AutoEncoders

Variational autoencoder was proposed in 2013 by Knigma and Welling at Google and Qualcomm. A variational autoencoder (VAE) provides a probabilistic manner for describing an observation in latent space. Thus, rather than building an encoder that outputs a single value to describe each latent state attribute, we’ll formulate our encoder to describe a probability distribution for each latent attribute.

It has many applications such as data compression, synthetic data creation etc.


Autoencoders are a type of neural network that learns the data encodings from the dataset in an unsupervised way. It basically contains two parts: the first one is an encoder which is similar to the convolution neural network except for the last layer. The aim of the encoder to learn efficient data encoding from the dataset and pass it into a bottleneck architecture. The other part of the autoencoder is a decoder that uses latent space in the bottleneck layer to regenerate the images similar to the dataset. These results backpropagate from the neural network in the form of the loss function.

Variational autoencoder is different from autoencoder in a way such that it provides a statistic manner for describing the samples of the dataset in latent space. Therefore, in variational autoencoder, the encoder outputs a probability distribution in the bottleneck layer instead of a single output value.

Mathematics behind variational autoencoder:

Variational autoencoder uses KL-divergence as its loss function, the goal of this is to minimize the difference between a supposed distribution and original distribution of dataset.

Suppose we have a distribution z and we want to generate the observation x from it. In other words, we want to calculate

p\left( {z|x} \right)

We can do it by following way:

p\left( {z|x} \right) = \frac{{p\left( {x|z} \right)p\left( z \right)}}{{p\left( x \right)}}

But, the calculation of p(x) can be quite difficult

p\left( x \right) = \int {p\left( {x|z} \right)p\left(z\right)dz}

This usually makes it an intractable distribution. Hence, we need to approximate p(z|x) to q(z|x) to make it a tractable distribution. To better approximate p(z|x) to q(z|x), we will minimize the KL-divergence loss which calculates how similar two distributions are:

\min KL\left( {q\left( {z|x} \right)||p\left( {z|x} \right)} \right)

By simplifying, the above minimization problem is equivalent to the following maximization problem :

{E_{q\left( {z|x} \right)}}\log p\left( {x|z} \right) - KL\left( {q\left( {z|x} \right)||p\left( z \right)} \right)

The first term represents the reconstruction likelihood and the other term ensures that our learned distribution q is similar to the true prior distribution p.

#machine learning

Variational AutoEncoders
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