CSS is the queen of web development. A powerful stylesheet language that allows us to make good-looking and responsive web pages. A lot of developers agree in the fact that CSS is easy to learn but difficult to master.

That’s true because it has a lot of useful features and properties that you can use. In addition to that, we have the CSS grid and flexbox features that allow us to easily create complex and responsive layouts without using the old approach of tables or floats.

In this article, I decided to share with you my favorite CSS properties that I use as a frontend developer. So let’s get right into it.

1. The scrolling behavior property

The property scroll-behavior in CSS allows us to define the behavior of the scrolling in our web page. For example, I can give the property a value of smooth . As a result, I will have smooth scrolling effects on my web page.

2. The filter property

I also love the propertyfilter in CSS because it allows us to apply graphical changes to images.

3. The writing-mode property

CSS gives you the ability to change the text direction or the writing mode. To do that, you can use the property writing-mode which takes values such as vertical-lr , horizontal-tb , and vertical-rl .

4. Flexbox and Grid properties

Flexbox and grid are two ways to easily create complex and responsive layouts in CSS. I think every web developer should know them because they are very useful. They have a lot of powerful properties that you can use.

5. Backface visibility

Another property that I like in CSS is the backface-visibility . It allows hiding or showing the back face of an element when it turns towards the user.

6. The property object-fit

In CSS, when you specify a new height and width for an image, it can lose its quality and it could not fit its container.

7. The box-shadow property

In CSS, box-shadow is a popular property that allows you to add shadow effects to elements. I really like this property because it gives you the ability to specify the size and the color of the shadow effect.


As you can see above, these are some of my favorite CSS properties that I use as a front-end developer when building projects. They are very useful at least in my opinion. Let me know about some other properties that you like and found useful.

#css #web-development #javascript #web developer

My Favorite CSS Properties As a Front-End Web Developer
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