In this tutorial, we’ll integrate chat in an e-commerce app using Stream Chat’s Swift SDK. It’s crucial for buyers that may need immediate communication for payments, delivery status, last-minute changes, and refunds.

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Those screenshots show a button leading to a chat screen where the buyer can get information in real time from the seller. This is what we’ll build.

If you get lost during this tutorial, you can check the completed project in this GitHub repo.

Set up the Stream Chat dependency

To install the Stream Chat dependency, we’ll use CocoaPods. If you prefer Carthage or Swift Package Manager, they’re also supported.

In your project’s folder, if you aren’t already using CocoaPods, run pod initand add StreamChat to the Podfile. It should look similar to this:

After you do that, run pod install, wait a bit for it to finish, and open the project via the .xcworkspace that was created.

Configure the Stream Chat dashboard

Sign up at, create the application, and make sure to select development instead of production.

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To make things simple for now, let’s disable both auth checks and permission checks. Make sure to hit save. When your app is in production, you should keep these enabled.

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#ios #swift #tutorial #ecommerce #programming

How to Implement Chat in Your E-Commerce App for iOS
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