How To Prepare Your Website For Google’s Page Experience Update

Ever wondered why websites that are glitchy and take years to load still end up appearing on top of search results? This will be changing very soon, Google Page Experience update is all set to be launched in May of this year. The algorithm will favor sites that offer a better user experience. Also, the search engine is planning on testing out visual indicators on websites that follow its page experience guidelines. Google is providing website owners with advanced notice so that they can leverage SEO services and prepare for the update.

Prepare for Page Experience with Us !

You may perceive that your existing website is phenomenal, but is it really satisfying user intent? You can test your site’s performance by the following Google’s tool :

PageSpeed Insight


“ Make your site user friendly and you’ll be automatically prepared for the update.”

If your overall performance score is not ticking all the right boxes, talk to our experts. We will assist you in improving the foundations of your web pages as per Google’s latest standards and Page Experience update. Here’s a snippet of our website optimization process:

Our team starts with a comprehensive website audit and analysis to identify your pain points.

We understand that - there is no one fit for all solutions in the digital world. Hence, we tailor our strategies specific for our client’s individual market.

The seasoned professionals at Oodles focus on overall execution right from functionality to efficiency based on the following factors:

Mobile usability
Page-speed optimization
Image optimization
On-page & off-page optimization
Generating value-rich content
Content marketing services
Website’s security
Reducing bounce rate

It’s pointless to concentrate solely on one aspect when a variety of factors contribute to a good page’s experience. To avail our holistic website optimization services, drop us a line.

What is Google Page Experience?

Google’s main goal is to provide users relevant results quickly and efficiently. To this end, It started prioritizing user experience by adding page speed as a ranking factor to encourage quick-responsive pages. This year, the search engine giant is rolling out an experience metric to assess pages for search. The new update measures how users perceive the website experience of interacting with it. Optimizing for these elements makes it easy for the users to explore the webpage and reduces page abandonment to an extent.

Page experience metrics include - mobile-responsiveness, safe-browsing, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.

There are various factors that can lead to a bad page experience. Let’s discuss in detail.

Types of poor page experience

Slow webpage

Users get frustrated when they encounter a slow website and abandon it. It might just be a few seconds but to them, it feels like an eternity. This one of the most common causes of loss for online businesses all around the world.

Poor website design

A poorly designed website that is difficult to navigate can quickly turn away prospective customers for good. It could be because the site is faulty or just confusing. Maybe it has no proper content structure or too many pop-ups. There could be a million reasons why your site is performing unsatisfactorily, resulting in loss of revenue.

Lack of interaction

Customers today want to be entertained, engaged with, and understood. Unfortunately, the majority of the brands believe that their only goal is to sell goods and services. They tend to forget that empath and likeability are key elements of a successful business-customer relationship.

Killer content will always win out, so making sure that it’s easy to find and that the user experience is excellent will only help the SEO efforts. Avail our content marketing services to transform your business into a brand. Through our performance driven strategies we focus on bringing the gap between content and conversations, while adhering to Google’s page experience guidelines.

The steps you can take to boost page experience -

Optimize for site speed

Website owners should aim to achieve the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) of less than 2.5 seconds. Businesses can leverage the Google Pagespeed Insights tool to check the site’s load speed. There are several elements to consider when evaluating the speed - server, location, and the host platform. For instance, websites hosted on Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento can have a longer loading time due to unnecessary installations. Brands should be very careful while downloading plugins for their e-stores.

Optimize for smart-phone search

Smart devices generate the majority of web traffic today. Google’s algorithm typically favors the mobile version of the site’s content to rank the webpage. Businesses that haven’t already, should make their websites mobile-responsive by reducing code, browser caching, and eliminating redirects.

The website structure should be simple and highly responsive to appear attractive on mobile screens.

Different CTAs

Optimizing for mobile search and improving the site speed has a significant impact on user experience but it is not enough. Multiple variables can boost interaction and conversion rates. One of them is the call to action (CTA). Every website expects its visitors to take a certain action, such as subscribing to the newsletter, booking an appointment, or purchasing the goods or services.

Businesses need to understand that shoppers are in a different mind-frame at different points of their customer journey and should customize the CTAs accordingly. It should be crisp, specific, and clear about the action to be taken. Generally, it offers some benefit to the customer to motivate them. Figure out how they can take advantage from the interaction and add that to the CTA.

The design of the call-to-action button is quite significant, it should be of bright color, shaped appropriately, and properly positioned.

Use alt text for images

Alt text plays a crucial role in user experience and website ranking. It’s used in an HTML code to describe the appearance and function of an image. Alt tags are displayed if the picture fails to load so that the viewer can understand the context. They are also used by search engine bots for indexing which assists in ranking.

The alt text description should be crisp, to the point, and include a keyword. It will assist in driving organic traffic to the website.

Final thoughts

While the true impact of the page experience update is still unknown, Google’s past approach to algorithm updates suggests that it’ll heavily influence the organic ranking of the website.
If you’ve ignored the user experience improvements earlier, now is the time to invest time and resources into it. Hire a digital marketing agency to assist in optimizing the website for a better user experience. For expert guidance, contact us here.

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