Top 7 Vue.js Projects on GitHub

  1. Vue Element Admin
  2. Awesome Vue.js
  3. Element
  4. Hoppscotch
  5. best-resume-ever
  6. vue-typescript-admin-template
  7. iHateRegex

1. Vue Element Admin

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Stars: 61.1k

Vue Element Admin is a production-ready front-end admin dashboard developed by PanJiaChen with Vue and Element UI. It ships with many features such as login/logout, permission authentication, multiple build environments, internationalization, dynamic breadcrumb, tables, pre-built components, etc. There is already a project structure so you can start developing right away/

2. Awesome Vue.js

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Awesome Vue.js


Stars: 57k

Awesome Vue.js is a curated list filled with content on Vue.js created and maintained by Vue.js. It is great for new developers learning Vue and even for those with more experience who are looking for examples, frameworks, libraries, jobs, etc. There is too much content to list here, so it’s worth taking a look at the repository, there is a table of contents to help you navigate through the content.

3. Element

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Stars: 47.7k

Element is the most popular UI toolkit built for Vue.js 2. Created by ElemeFE, it was built to achieve consistency, efficiency, and controllability. It’s focus is on web and desktop apps, therefore it is not focused on mobile development.

#web-development #javascript #vue #developer

Top 7 Vue.js Projects on GitHub
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